We are nearly four months into our company-wide mandate of masks, frequent hand-sanitizing, and wiping down surfaces. As our policy had not been available on our website previously, it is as follows:
All sitters will wear masks inside every house they visit. Masks will be worn outside if the sitter is in an area with heavy foot traffic
Sitters sanitize their hands prior to entering the house and immediately after leaving
Sitters will use their own leashes when possible.
Sitters will wipe surfaces they touch with disinfectant wipes prior to leaving.
Sitters will report any symptoms of illness prior to their shift and will not enter any homes while experiencing symptoms
If the owner is home when the sitter arrives, we will practice “door to door” where we enter the home only so far to leash and unleash. We ask any client who is home to minimize interaction with our sitters from a safe distance (preferably stay in a separate room) and for all current clients to let us know if there is anybody sick in your home or if there are any precautions specific to your visit that we will be taking.
New clients must wear masks for the duration of meetings (we will also be masked), and maintain a reasonable distance while showing us the routine.
Finally, we are waiving all cancel fees during this time.